3 Tried and Tested Ways to Live a Minimal Waste Lifestyle

Sprout staffer and #MinimalWaste lifestyle beginner Hayden Ng shares how he reduces waste. 

Do you know how much waste was generated in Singapore last year? According to the National Environment Agency (NEA), we threw away a total of 7.70 million tonnes of solid waste in 2018. Now, you may be wondering, “Where does our trash go?”

The answer — Singapore’s sole landfill, Semakau Landfill which is located 8km south of Singapore. However, Semakau Landfill is quickly running out of space and by 2035, there will be insufficient room for more garbage. This means it’s important for us to be mindful of how much waste we produce, how we can minimise our waste, and work towards a zero-waste Singapore

Thankfully, more companies are doing their part for our environment. FairPrice, for example, has recently rolled out a pay-per-use for plastic bags at selected stores. McDonald’s has also vowed to cut down its single-use plastics at certain outlets.

So, if you’re keen in tweaking your lifestyle habits and going green, consider the following ways that I’ve personally tried (trust me, it’s not that difficult). And if you do decide to try them out yourself, please share your #MinimalWaste journey with us by tagging #SproutSingapore on your Instagram posts. We’d love to see your photos!


1. Keeping a reusable cup in my office

When I’m buying my Teh Si Kosong in the morning, I’ll try to make sure that I bring my reusable cup with me. By doing so, I can help to reduce single-use plastics that are often given out at the coffee shops.

The one that I’m using now is from KeepCup and you can get yours here.

Reusable container

2. Carrying a reusable food container in my bag

I’ll admit it — I don’t always remember to bring my container out with me. When I do remember, I’ll use it to pack takeaway meals such as the lunch I bought from Wheat Baumkuchen (pictured).

Bonus: The Marina One branch that I frequent offers a free topping for customers who bring their own containers for takeaways. Hooray!


3. Bringing a foldable shopping bag when I’m out

My friend gave me this foldable Baby Baggu bag and since then, I’ve always brought it with me when I’m out and about. Besides using it to hold my groceries and other purchases, I also use it as my lunch bag.

You can get yours from eco-friendly online store Rally Rally here.

By Hayden Ng. Photos: Hayden Ng

Cara WongMinimal waste, Baggu, KeepCup