5 Minutes with Chang Yi Ning, Founder of Bakening

When Chang Yi Ning (or more affectionately known as Ning) first learned about the hype surrounding the low fat, whole grain diet years ago, she was eager to try it out. Instead of becoming healthier which was what she wanted, she ended up suffering from hormonal imbalances.

Visits to the doctors, blood tests and synthetic drugs ensued, but they did little to improve her condition. Thankfully, she found a book on how nutrients can help to alleviate certain health issues. She decided to give it a go and made changes to her nutrition intake and viola – her issues were gone in a month.

Photo: Courtesy of Chang Yi Ning

Photo: Courtesy of Chang Yi Ning

“It was a wake up call for me,” she recounted. “I saw how powerful healthy food and good nutrition can be for our bodies. When you give your body the right nutrition, it’ll know how to heal itself.” Since then, she’s cut down on highly processed food and additives, and adopted a Paleo diet that focuses on whole foods. This has in turn defined the way she bakes at her own Paleo and vegetarian bakery, Bakening. Read on to find out more.

How did Bakening come about?

Ning: I was working full-time and baking was more of a hobby. Eventually, I became obsessed with baking. I was constantly thinking of new ways to tweak the recipes. At the same time, I got to a point in my life when I felt like it was now or never, and I had to try setting up my own baking business before I have larger commitments in my life like raising kids.

I took one step at a time and rented a commercial space from other bakeries once a week. It became more frequent and I finally got my own licensed kitchen a year after I started my business.

What were the responses of your family and friends?

Ning: My parents were worried initially, of course. But they are extremely supportive. They went to farmers’ markets with me, baked with me, and even stayed up past midnight to pack the orders with me. They often wondered why I had to make things difficult for myself, such as making my own chocolate chips from 100 per cent cocoa paste because I didn’t want any refined sugar or additives. But they quietly managed and organised the business with me. I would never have made it this far without them.

My friends were very kind and they helped to spread the word on Bakening. Some refused to get any discounts and others even bought my products as gifts for their friends.

Did you face other challenges?

Ning: When I first started, a lot of people asked: “Why are your items more expensive than other conventional bakery products?”

II’m very insistent on using only good ingredients that I personally believe in, hence substituting them with cheaper and unhealthy alternatives was out of the question.

Over time, I met people who are from both ends of the spectrum: Those who still think that my products are too pricey, and those who find the same products reasonably priced because of my ingredients used. I realised that the former simply don’t understand and they don’t appreciate the value of good ingredients. The customers that keep coming back to Bakening are the ones who understand why they’re paying for healthy food now instead of paying for medical bills later.

Photo: Instagram/@bakening.co

Photo: Instagram/@bakening.co

What are the things that we should look out for when we’re shopping for baked goods?

Ning: I always tell my customers to read the ingredients list on my products to ensure that those ingredients are what they want to eat. I think everyone should develop a habit of reading ingredients lists so that we will realise how much junk is in our food these days.

What’s next for Bakening?

Ning: Thanks to our local partners — many of whom watched us grow and supported us from the beginning — we are now retailing across specialty grocers, cafes and restaurants. Customers are also getting our products via our e-commerce store on www.bakening.co.

We will continue to expand our network of retail partners to bring our customers greater convenience for their daily needs. We're also looking to bring our brand out of Singapore, and provide overseas consumers with better food options to support their health goals. We hope to change the foodscape and challenge the food industry to make wholesome, clean eating the norm for the next generation.

By Hayden Ng

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Ashley Simcox